bookmark_borderAgenda for meeting of Chadlington Parish Council 7.30pm Mon 11th Jan 2021 via Zoom

Notice is hereby given that the Meeting of Chadlington Parish Council will be held on Monday 11 January 2021 at 7.30pm by Zoom. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.  Members of the public may make representations to the Council under item6 in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.  Please contact a Councillor or the Clerk at least 2 weeks before the next meeting if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda. The meeting will be held via Zoom and if members of the public wish to attend please contact Nicky Lloyd on for an invitation.


  1. To receive Apologies
  2. Declarations of  Interest:
    • A – Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
    • B – To declare any pecuniary & other interests in items on the agenda & their nature.
  3. Minutes: to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 09 November 2020.
  4. Matters arising from Minutes
  5. District & County Councillors Reports
  6. Public Participation: opportunity for the public to ask questions.
  7. Coronavirus: Community Issues
  8. Insurance
  9. Parish Priorities: Cllr Nicky Lloyd
  10. Memorial Hall: update
  11. Methodist Church: update
  12. Benches, Tables & Bus Stop: update
  13. Allotments: update Cllr Hilary Moore
  14. Playground: update Cllr Hilary Moore
  15. Speedwatch: update
  16. School Parking
  17. Planning

Applications received

20/02509/FUL Lower Court Farm, Green End.

Alterations and extensions to Lower Court Farmhouse. Conversion of attached and detached farm buildings to provide principal and ancillary residential accommodation. Demolition of modern farm buildings. Erection of new garaging, estate office and service yard and associated landscaping.

20/02510/LBC Lower Court Farm, Green End.

Alterations and extensions to Lower Court Farmhouse. Change of use of attached and detached farm buildings to provide principal and ancillary residential accommodation. Demolition of modern farm buildings.

20/03118/FUL Lower Buildings, Green End

Conversion of existing agricultural buildings to form one dwelling along with extensions to existing cottages to create ancillary accommodation.  Works to include the erection of a car port with store and demolition of one barn.

CPC had no objections to this.

Applications approved

20/02104/FUL Storage Land Horseshoe Lane

Erection of garage workshop

The Parish Council has viewed this application objectively and have taken into consideration the location of the current workshop which is situated in close proximity of a main artery road into the village, next to residential properties, which is obviously not ideal.  Re-siting of the workshop to the already established lorry park would therefore be beneficial to residents and road users.  Whilst the Parish Council supports this application we are aware that objections have been raised in particular regarding noise and light pollution and screening and we see that there have been suggestions on how these issues may be addressed, and therefore resolved during the planning process. 

20/02378/HHD 9 Manor Court

Erection of single storey side and rear extension

20/02577/RES The Gables West End

Reserved matters application for the erection of three new dwelling houses with associated car parking (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale)

20/02834/S73 Bull Hill House, Bull Hill

Non-compliance of condition 2 of planning permission 19/00996/FUL to allow some changes to the design, layout and materials of the approved dwelling and garaging.  CPC had no objections to this.

19/0996/FUL Bull Hill House, Bull Hill

Demolition of existing dwelling and integral garage and proposed erection of part 2-storey and part single-storey dwelling, detached 2-bay garage and

garden store and alterations to existing landscaping including modifications to existing drive and access (Amended).  CPC had no objections to this.

Application refused and sent to appeal

20/01279/HHD Normans, Church Road

Alterations and erection of two storey rear extension. Erection of detached double garage and works to existing outbuilding (amended plans).

  1. Finance

Expenditure for approval:

  • Standing Order (monthly) – Clerk’s Salary for Jan & Feb: £269.44
  • Came & Company – Annual Insurance: £368.68
  • London Hearts – Defibrillator Case (Card payment): £524.40
  • Aggregates Ltd – Bus Shelter Bench x 2 (Card payment):   £477.60
  • Moore – Audit Fee: £240.00
  • Stowag – Allotment Fence repairs: £68.36
  • CPRE – Annual Subscription: £36.00
  • Nicola Lloyd – Zoom payment December 2020: £30.00

Approval of monthly bank reconciliation December 2020

Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2020 £30,228.09; income to 31 Dec 2020 £21,163.36    expenditure to 31 Dec 2020 £10,825.05

  1. Correspondence
  2. Other Issues
  3. Information Exchange

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm Monday 08 March 2021 via Zoom

                                                  Gill Hill, Clerk to Chadlington Parish Council

bookmark_borderMinutes of Chadlington Parish Council Meeting on Monday 09 November 2020

Minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Meeting held remotely via Zoom on Monday 09 November 2020 (Start 1940, Finish 2135).
Present: Cllrs Zoe Townsend, Chairman, Nicky Lloyd, Hilary Moore, Andrew Carpenter and Gill Hill (Clerk). County Cllr Liz Leffman. Members of the public 9.


  1. Apologies
    Received from Cllrs Sam Peet, Heidi Davies and District Cllr Neil Owen.
  2. Declarations of Interest
    There were none.
  3. Minutes
    The Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21 September 2020 were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from Minutes
    Representatives from Gigaclear have visited the village and walked around with Cllrs Hilary Moore and Neil Owen to inspect areas damaged and disturbed by the fitting of the full fibre Broadband. They have agreed that these will be rectified, no timescale given.
  5. County Council Report
    Cllr Liz Leffman recognised the problems with the drains flooding. It was noted that the Thames Water drains were also flooding. OCC has no money left except for emergencies. Drains were scheduled in a four-year cycle for maintenance which does not seem adequate in rural areas. There was no plan at present to put a 20mph limit through Chadlington, however a request for consultation and signage could be arranged by contacting James Wright at Highways. (Clerk to handle). Cllr Leffman had donated funds to support a Food Bank at Cornerstone in Charlbury which could be used by Chadlington residents in need.
  6. Public Participation
    The Planning Application 20/02104/FUL, Storage Land in Horseshoe Lane was discussed in depth at the meeting. It was also reported by a parishioner that he had been advised that a new application was to be submitted for the Diddly Squat Farm Shop to be able to sell other than local products, and concern was expressed on this possible application.
  7. Co-option of Councillor
    Heidi Davies was co-opted to the Council, in her absence.
  8. Councillors’ Workload & Responsibilities
    See attached
  9. Coronavirus: Community Issues
    No further comment
  10. Insurance
    Councillors were made aware of the renewal of the Insurance due on 21 January 2021.
  11. Memorial Hall: update
    The Hall Trustees had decided by a vote of 4 to 3 not to reopen the Memorial Hall for the time being.
  12. Methodist Chapel: update
    CPC has been advised that the Methodist Chapel is to be placed on the open market in the near future.
  13. Benches, Tables & Bus Stop: update
    The Diplock Charity bench has arrived and is waiting to be installed in the grounds of the Memorial Hall. Two other benches are on order, one in memory of Mr & Mrs Bunting for the pavement side of the Stonelee Close green as agreed with local residents and the other in memory of Enid Eden to be in the Memorial Hall grounds. Two two-seater benches are also being ordered for the Bus Stop in Chipping Norton Road.
  14. Allotments
    Complaints have been received with regard to children running out of control on the allotments. A letter or email has been sent to all tenants advising that we welcome children on the allotments to learn about growing vegetables and suchlike but they should not treat it as a playground. Respect should be shown for all allotment tenants. Enquiries are being made with regard to providing water at the allotments. The car park is for Eversley Close residents and should not be used by allotment tenants.
  15. Playground
    A reasonable report was received from RoSPA. Brian Hamblin and Ron Arthur are doing a sterling job in keeping the playground in shipshape condition for which the Parish Council is extremely grateful and offers its thanks.
  16. Speedwatch: update
    A 20mph speed limit to be investigated with Highways.
  17. School Parking
    This continues to be an issue. More signage to be discussed with Highways.
  18. Planning
    Applications received
    Storage Land Horseshoe Lane
    Erection of garage workshop The Parish Council has viewed this application objectively and have taken into consideration the location of the current workshop which is situated in close proximity of a main artery road into the village, next to residential properties, which is obviously not ideal. Re-siting of the workshop to the already established lorry park would therefore be beneficial to residents and road users. Whilst the Parish Council supports this application we are aware that objections have been raised in particular regarding noise and light pollution and screening and we see that there have been suggestions on how these issues may be addressed, and therefore resolved during the planning process.
    9 Manor Court
    Erection of single storey side and rear extension
    The Gables West End
    Reserved matters application for the erection of three new dwelling houses with associated car parking (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale)
    Applications approved
    20/01777/S73 Rill Cottage, Daisy Bank, Green End
    Non compliance of conditions 2 and 3 of permission 19/03006/HHD to allow a flat roof construction with roof lights to the rear single-storey extension and Cotswold stone walling to the rar elevation instead of glazing. CPC had no objection to this.
    20/01871/S73 Barley Hill Farm, Chipping Norton Road
    Variation of conditions 4,7,8,9,13 and 15 of planning permission 19/02567/FUL to enable technical amendments to the approved dwelling. CPC had no objection
    20/02022/HHD Valley View, The Tuer
    Alterations and erection of single storey rear extension. CPC had no objection.
    1 Quarry Road
    Alterations to create off-street disabled car parking area
    CPC had no objection to this.
    Orchard House
    Removal of condition 12 of planning permission W97/0300 to allow the replacement of existing Conifer hedge with Beech hedge. CPC had no objection to this.
  19. Budget
    The budget for 2021-22 was approved, pegging the precept at £15,180.
    £20,000 to be held in reserves for Traffic Calming and Parking, £5,000 for the Memorial Hall, £5,000 for Covid-19 recuperation, leaving £16,000 for General Reserves.
  20. Finance
    The Clerk’s salary was approved with a rise of 2% as recommended by NALC effective 01 April 2020: Increase of £5.34 totalling £269.44 per month.
    Online Banking for CPC – application forms being submitted
    Expenditure for approval:
    Standing Order (monthly) Clerk’s Salary for Nov & Dec £269.44
    C No 100250 Microsoft 365 Office for new Laptop £45.99
    C No 100251 Kathleen Hannay Trust Allotments rent £200.00
    C No 100252 Prysebros Ltd Complete Weed Control £318.00
    C No 100253 Playsafety Ltd RoSPA Inspection £124.20
    C No 100254 Gill & Co Playground (Brian Hamblin) £21.98
    C No 100255 Post Office Stamps £16,92
    C No 100256 JATI Ltd 2 Balmoral Benches £768.98
    C No 100257 Clerk’s salary back pay £37.38
    Monthly bank reconciliation for October 2020 approved
    Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2020 £30,228.09; income to 31 Oct 2020 £20,543.54 expenditure to 31 Oct 2020 £9,179.25
  21. Correspondence
    Requests for donations from Childrens’ Air Ambulance and Volunteer Link-up.
    Discussions to take place to decide on local charities who might require support.
  22. Other Issues

    Date of next meeting: Monday 11 January 2021

The Parish Council has published a list of Parish Councillor’s Responsibilities which can be accessed online here

bookmark_borderAgenda for meeting of Chadlington Parish Council 7.30pm Mon 9th November 2020 via Zoom

Notice is hereby given that the Meeting of Chadlington Parish Council will be held on Monday 09 November 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.  Members of the public may make representations to the Council under item6 in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.  Please contact a Councillor or the Clerk at least 2 weeks before the next meeting if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda. The meeting will be held via Zoom and if members of the public wish to attend please contact Nicky Lloyd on for an invitation.


  1. To receive Apologies
  2. Declarations of  Interest:
    1. Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
    1. To declare any pecuniary & other interests in items on the agenda & their nature.
  3. Minutes: to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21 September 2020.
  4. Matters arising from Minutes
  5. District & County Councillors Reports
  6. Public Participation: opportunity for the public to ask questions.
  7. Co-option: of Heidi Davies to Council
  8. Councillors’ Workload & Responsibilities
  9. Coronavirus: Community Issues
  10. Insurance
  11. Memorial Hall: update
  12. Methodist Church: update
  13. Benches, Tables & Bus Stop: update
  14. Allotments: update Cllr Hilary Moore
  15. Playground: update Cllr Hilary Moore
  16. Speedwatch: update
  17. School Parking
  18. Planning

Applications received

20/02104/FUL Storage Land Horseshoe Lane

Erection of garage workshop

The Parish Council has viewed this application objectively and have taken into consideration the location of the current workshop which is situated in close proximity of a main artery road into the village, next to residential properties, which is obviously not ideal.  Re-siting of the workshop to the already established lorry park would therefore be beneficial to residents and road users.  Whilst the Parish Council supports this application we are aware that objections have been raised in particular regarding noise and light pollution and screening and we see that there have been suggestions on how these issues may be addressed, and therefore resolved during the planning process. 

20/02378/HHD 9 Manor Court

Erection of single storey side and rear extension

20/02577/RES The Gables West End

Reserved matters application for the erection of three new dwelling houses with associated car parking (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale)

Applications approved

20/01777/S73 Rill Cottage, Daisy Bank, Green End

Non compliance of conditions 2 and 3 of permission 19/03006/HHD to allow a flat roof construction with roof lights to the rear single-storey extension and Cotswold stone walling to the rar elevation instead of glazing.  CPC had no objection to this.

20/01871/S73 Barley Hill Farm, Chipping Norton Road

Variation of conditions 4,7,8,9,13 and 15 of planning permission 19/02567/FUL to enable technical amendments to the approved dwelling. CPC had no objection

20/02022/HHD Valley View, The Tuer

Alterations and erection of single storey rear extension. CPC had no objection.

20/02338/HHD 1 Quarry Road

Alterations to create off-street disabled car parking area

CPC had no objection to this.

20/02589/S73 Orchard House

Removal of condition 12 of planning permission W97/0300 to allow the replacement of existing Conifer hedge with Beech hedge. CPC had no objection to this.

19. Budget : approval for 2021-22

20. Finance

To approve the Clerk’s salary, rise of 2% as recommended by NALC effective 01 April 2020: Increase of £5.34 totalling £269.44 per month.

Online Banking for CPC

Expenditure for approval:

Standing Order (monthly) Clerk’s Salary for Nov & Dec         £269.44

C No 100250 Microsoft 365 Office for new Laptop                 £45.99

C No 100251 Kathleen Hannay Trust Allotments rent            £200.00

C No 100252 Prysebros Ltd Complete Weed Control            £318.00           

C No 100253 Playsafety Ltd  RoSPA Inspection                    £124.20

C No 100254 Gill & Co Playground                                       £21.98

C No 100255 Post Office Stamps                                         £16.92

C No 100256 Clerk’s salary back pay                                   £37.38

Approval of monthly bank reconciliation October 2020

Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2020 £30,228.09; income to 30 Sep 2020 £20,543.54 expenditure to 30 Sep 2020 £8,108.73

21. Correspondence

22. Other Issues

23. Information Exchange

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm Monday 11 January 2021 via Zoom

                                                  Gill Hill, Clerk to Chadlington Parish Council

bookmark_borderMinutes of Chadlington Parish Council Meeting on Monday 21 September 2020

Minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Meeting held remotely via Zoom on
Monday 21 September 2020 (Start 1705, Finish 1820).
Present: Cllrs Zoe Townsend, Chairman, Nicky Lloyd, Hilary Moore, Andrew Carpenter and Gill Hill (Clerk). Member of the public 1

  1. To appoint a Chairman for the meeting
    This was not necessary as the Chairman was present.
  2. To receive Apologies
    Cllr Neil Owen and Cllr Liz Leffman
  3. Declarations of Interest
    There were none
  4. Minutes
    The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July were approved and subsequently signed.
  5. Matters arising from the Minutes
    There were none.
  6. District & County Councillors Reports.
    Cllr Neil Owen reported that he had arranged for a Gigaclear representative to be in attendance on Tuesday 29 September at 0930 to walk around the village to note verges that needed to be tidied up.
    Cllr Liz Leffman promised to look at the drainage situation in Chadlington again.
  7. Public Participation
    There was none.
  8. Parish Council Vacancy
    Mrs Heidi Davies attended the meeting and would like to be co-opted on to the Council.
  9. Councillors’ Workload and Responsibilities
    This to be decided at a separate meeting.
  10. Coronavirus: Community Issues
    Nothing to add at present time.
  11. Gigaclear: update.
    Clerk to write to the General Manager regarding condition of verges.
  12. Memorial Hall: update and use by the School
    The Memorial Hall remains closed to date and will hopefully be opening soon. The School does not have a need to use the Memorial Hall at present.
  13. Methodist Church: update
    There is no positive news on the possible use of the Methodist Hall.
  14. Benches, Tables & Bus Stop
    Clerk to contact Tara Smith to confirm the type of bench she would prefer for the green at the junction of Church Road and Chipping Norton Road. The Bus Stop in Chipping Norton Road has been renovated. Two two-seater benches to be ordered for placing inside the shelter. The bench proposed to be placed near the Bus Stop proved to be impossible due to no suitable spot near the Bus Stop.
  15. Allotments
    The water situation has been put on hold until further information on costings available. The chicken wire to be erected on the fence.
  16. Playground
    RoSPA has been delayed in making the inspection of the Playground. This should take place soon.
  17. Highways: Winter preparations – Salt
    A request for 2 bags of salt to top up the bins at the rear of the Memorial Hall plus a replacement bin for the broken one opposite the Café de la Post.
  18. Speedwatch
    This is on hold at present. A request to Highways to consider a 20mph speed limit in Chadlington to be made.
  19. School Parking
    This is still an issue. A previous suggestion made on a “walking bus” is not possible at the moment due to Covid-19 as pupils are in “bubbles” and therefore not mixing together.
  20. Planning
    Applications received
    20/01777/S73 Rill Cottage, Daisy Bank, Green End
    Non compliance of conditions 2 and 3 of permission 19/03006/HHD to allow a flat roof construction with roof lights to the rear single-storey extension and Cotswold stone walling to the rear elevation instead of glazing. CPC had no objection to this.
    20/01871/S73 Barley Hill Farm, Chipping Norton Road
    Variation of conditions 4,7,8,9,13 and 15 of planning permission 19/02567/FUL to enable technical amendments to the approved dwelling. CPC had no objection.
    20/02022/HHD Valley View, The Tuer
    Alterations and erection of single storey rear extension. CPC had no objection.
    Applications approved
    20/01100/FUL Westbridge Cottages, Green End
    Refurbishment of three cottages to include erection of single storey extension to North elevation (to provide garaging for Westbridge and Centre Cottages), erection of two storey and single storey rear extensions (to enlarge all three properties) and construction of front entrance porch and detached double garage with store (to serve The Old Forge Cottage together with associated works and change of use to extend domestic curtilage.
    20/01403/HHD 14 Stonelee Close
    Conversion of loft space to create third floor accommodation with the addition of new roof lights. CPC had no objection to this.
    20/01311/HHD Laburnum Cottage, Green End
    Erection of single storey rear extension. CPC had no objection.
    20/01568/HHD Vale Cottage, 1 Daisy Bank, Green End
    Alterations and erection of single and two storey rear extension. CPC had no objection to this application.
  21. Finance
    Approval was given for the purchase of a new laptop for Chadlington Parish Council. An HP Pavilion 15-cs3001na laptop, Intel Core i5 Processor, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 15.6” Full HD, Mineral Silver. Price £799.00
    The new bank mandate was completed removing Tony Allan and adding Andrew Carpenter. This will now enable CPC to convert to Online Banking. It was agreed a Debit Card should also be requested for certain purchases such as online.
    The following items of expenditure were approved:
    Standing Order (monthly) Clerk’s Salary for Sep & Oct £264.16
    C No 100244 JATI Balmoral 6’ Bench (Diplock Charity) £444.99
    C No 100245/6 HP Pavilion 15” cs3001na Laptop £799.00
    C No 100247 OALC Chairmanship Skills Training £30.00
    C No 100248 Shelter Maintenance Ltd Bus stop £2127.60
    C No 100249 Zoom Meetings Sep, Oct, Nov £30.00
    The bank reconciliation for August 2020 was approved.
    Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2020 £30,228.09; income to 21 Sep 2020
    £12,953.54 expenditure to 21 Sep 2020 £7,117.48
  22. The Pensions Regulator
    Acknowledgement of re-declaration of compliance received on 01 September 2020.
  23. Correspondence
  24. Other Issues
    Parish Plan to be revised, Memorial Hall Car Park, Playground, outstanding work to improve road conditions – OCC, Mirror at Eversley Close.
    Date of next meeting: Monday 9 November 2020
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