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Category: News
All the latest news from Chadlington
bookmark_borderDraft Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021
Draft minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Meeting held at Chadlington Memorial Hall on Monday
8th November 2021 are now available.
Please click here to download the minutes or read them in the viewer below:
bookmark_borderAgenda for Chadlington Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 08 November 2021 at 7.30pm in Chadlington Memorial Hall
Please click here to download the agenda or view it in the reader below:
bookmark_borderDraft Minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Budget Meeting held on Monday 11 October 2021 in the Sports and Social Club
Please click here to download these minutes or view them in the reader below:
bookmark_borderDraft minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Held at 7.30 pm, on Thursday 14 October 2021 at Chadlington Memorial Hall
This meeting was to provide an opportunity for parishioners to give their views on the planning application:
21/03159/FUL – Conversion of existing building to create a café/restaurant together with associated landscaping works and provision of parking – Diddly Squat Farm Shop, Chipping Norton Road, Chadlington
Please click here to download the draft minutes or read in the viewer below:
bookmark_borderDraft Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021
Minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Meeting held at Chadlington Memorial Hall on Monday
13th September 2021:
Please click here to download the minutes or read in the viewer below:
bookmark_borderAgenda for Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm in Chadlington Memorial Hall
Notice is hereby given of an Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm in Chadlington Memorial Hall. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
bookmark_borderAgenda for Chadlington Parish Council Meeting on Monday 13th September at 7.30pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall
Notice is hereby given that the next Chadlington Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th September 2021 at 7.30pm in Chadlington Memorial Hall. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Members of the public may make representations to the Council under item 7 in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.
Our apologies for not publishing the agenda on this website before now, which has been available on the CPC Noticeboard located opposite Cafe de la Post on the Stocks green.
bookmark_borderMinutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021
Minutes of the Chadlington Parish Council Meeting held at Chadlington Memorial Hall on Monday
12 Jul 2021 (Start 1935, Finish 2120).
bookmark_borderAgenda for Chadlington Parish Council Meeting on Monday 12th July at 7.30pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall
Notice is hereby given that the next Chadlington Parish Council will be held on Monday 12 July 2021 at 7.30pm in Chadlington Memorial Hall. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Members of the public may make representations to the Council under item 7 in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders. Please contact a Councillor or the Clerk at least 2 weeks before the next meeting if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda.
- To receive Apologies
- Declarations of Interest:
a. Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
b. To declare any pecuniary & other interests in items on the agenda & their nature. - To co-opt Gavin Brown as a Councillor
- Minutes: to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 May 2021 and Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held by email on 28 June 2021.
- Matters arising from Minutes
- District & County Councillors Reports
- Public Participation: opportunity for the public to ask questions.
- Community Issues
- Benches
- Parish Priorities: Cllr Nicky Lloyd
- Parish Plan
- Drains and Gullies
- Memorial Hall: update
- Allotments: update
- Playground: update
- Speedwatch: update
- School Parking
- Website
- Christmas Tree on the Stocks
- Planning
Applications received
Hillside House, Bull Hill
Reinstate historic openings in the barn. Erection of lightweight extension to replace current. Demolition of existing modern timber car port and breeze block stable building, replacing with landscaping and a semi-sunken parking structure. CPC had no objection however the high-level long narrow window in barn may not look in keeping with the rest of the building.
Westbridge Cottage, Green End
Demolition of existing cottages and erection of a replacement dwelling and outbuilding for use as home office. Alterations to existing vehicular access. CPC objected to this as the application has changed from 3 cottages to one larger home when there is a need for reasonably priced affordable homes in the village.
Normans 3 Church Road Alterations to include erection of single and two storey rear extension, construction of new detached garage and refurbishment of existing ‘pigsty’ outbuilding. CPC has no objection.
East Downs Farm, Old London Road
Erection of two garden sheds. CPC had no objection to this.
Wychwood View, Church Road
Demolition of conservatory and porch. Construction of loft conversion and installation of new windows. CPC has no objection.
12A Chipping Norton Road
Erection of porch. CPC has no objection.
CPC has no objection.
Barley Hill Farm, Chipping Norton Road
Demolition of agricultural buildings to allow for the conversion and extension of the traditional barn to form one dwelling with associated garaging and access and landscape works. CPC has no objection to this application and considers the new proposals to be more in keeping than those previously submitted.
20 Quarry Road, Chadlington
Loft conversion including the addition of a roof light to the front and the rear-facing roof slope. Chadlington Parish Council has no objection.
11 Manor Court
Additional paved parking space at front of property. CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Demolition of existing portal frame agricultural buildings and erection of two new agricultural buildings together with repairs and alterations to existing barn. CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Erection of two new agricultural buildings with repairs and alterations to existing barn. CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Internal and external alterations together with extensions and conversion of attached farm buildings to enlarge existing farmhouse.
CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Alterations and extensions together with conversion of attached farm buildings to enlarge existing farmhouse. CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Conversion of traditional farm buildings to form two holiday lets. Formation of swimming pool and associated landscaping. CPC had no objection.
Lower Court Farm, Green End
Demolition of modern farm buildings. Internal and external alterations to convert traditional farm buildings to form two holiday lets together with associated works.
Diddly Squat Farm Shop, Chipping Norton Road External alterations to existing building to provide new rear access door and replace existing fabric roller shutters and gates with new solid roller shutter doors. Alterations to timber cladding to close gaps.
Chadlington Parish Council has no objections to the proposals detailed in this Planning Application. However, you will be aware that there was a Building Control Application for the conversion of the Lambing Shed to form a Café on 2 November 2020. In addition to this
a Licensing Application W/21/00058/PRMA was also made in February 2021, which makes the following statements.
Section 5 – “This is also to allow the opening of a café/function area adjacent to the shop.”
Section 18 – “This is a low-risk application to license a remote farm shop, café & function areas to sell alcohol and provide entertainment.”
Section 18 – “max capacity 150 people.” Whilst the current Planning Application makes no reference to any of the above as being the reason for these alterations, the Parish Council is concerned that, in the event of this application being approved, this should not confirm a change of use status for this agricultural building. .
The Parish Council remains concerned regarding the effect of the incremental development at this location, both upon the local community, its existing shops and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The number of cars currently visiting this site is already substantial, often filling the existing available parking space and overflowing onto the Chipping Norton Road, which is hardly desirable in an AONB and creates a significant risk that accidents will occur.
The Gables, West End
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 20/02577/RES to allow design changes to the dwellings.
20/02577/RES Reserved matters application relating to 17/01079/OUT for the erection of three new dwelling houses with associated car parking (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) and discharge of conditions 2 and 3 of 17/01079/OUT (materials and landscaping)
The Gables, West End
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission
19/02460/FUL to allow repositioning of Unit D and changes to design of both units C and D.
19/02460/FUL Conversion of outbuilding to one dwelling and the construction of a new dwelling with associated works including landscaping and car parking.
Applications approved.
Westbury, Bull Hill
Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension.
Apple Brook House, Horseshoe Lane
Erection of an oak framed detached car park.
Plum Tree, Chapel Road
Alterations to include the addition of cladding to South and West elevations, conversion of attic space to create extra living space with the insertion of a dormer window and roof lights. CPC had no objection to this application.
Westbury, Bull Hill. Erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension.
Apple Brook House, Horseshoe Lane Erection of oak framed detached car port.
The Willows, Brook End
Erection of first floor extension. Erection of single storey rear extension. Including replacement windows and doors and replacement of oil to renewable energy. CPC had no objections.
Coronation Cottage, East End Conversion and single storey extension of existing stable to form a new detached three bedroom dwelling, new access and associated landscaping. CPC had no objection to this but
with concerns over vehicular access, conversion of barns on green-field site and use of metal cladding not in keeping with buildings in locality.
Kite Cottage, The Tuer
Demolition of a lean-to utility room at ground level. Infill extension to ground floor to link the main cottage with the outbuildings. Alterations to doors and windows at ground level. CPC had no objection. - Finance
Expenditure for approval:
Standing Order (monthly) Clerk’s Salary for Jul & Aug £269.44
Prysebros Ltd, Complete Weed Control First treatment £318.00
Frances Maclean, Internal Auditor £200.00
Winzip (compression software) paid by Visa £31.14
Gerry Easton grant for village art project £50.00
Approval of monthly bank reconciliation June 2021
Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2021 £41,717; income to
31 March 2022 £7,458; expenditure to 31 March 2022 £1,587 - Correspondence
- Other Issues
- Information Exchange
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm Monday 13 September 2021 at Chadlington Memorial Hall
Gill Hill, Clerk to Chadlington Parish Council