bookmark_borderWODC – budget consultation

You may have seen we have launched our budget consultation which gives residents the opportunity to express their views to help shape our budget for the 2025/26 financial year. 

It is open until 15 December and we would like to get as many responses as possible. Our press release launching the budget can be found here –

To complete the survey residents simply need to visit     

Physical copies of the consultation are also available in the WODC Woodgreen office and the Town Centre Shop in Witney for anyone who is not able to complete the online survey.  

bookmark_borderCouncil Meeting – Monday 11th November

The next Council Meeting is on Monday 11th November, 7.30 pm, at Chadlington Memorial Hall.

The public are welcome to attend and there is the opportunity to comment on any item on the agenda or bring any matters to the attention of the Council.

Our WODC and OCC Councillors are invited, and you have the opportunity to ask them questions.

During this meeting the Council will be considering quotations for phase two of the playground refurbishment, and working on the budget for 2025-2026.

The agenda can be found on the Parish Council Meeting page.

bookmark_borderCouncillor vacancy

Councillor Vacancy

Are you interested in influencing what happens in the Parish?

Do you want to be a voice for the community?

Chadlington Parish Council is looking for a Councillor to fill a current vacancy.

We are a small Council of six Councillors and a part-time Clerk, looking after Chadlington Parish.

The term of office will run until the next ordinary election in May 2028.

The position is open to people over 18, who live in the Parish or within three miles of the Parish boundary, or work or own land in the Parish.
(See the Co-option Eligibility Form for more details)

To find out more, contact a Councillor or the Clerk for an informal chat.

For more details, application form and a Councillor job description, please contact the Clerk:
07712 003627

or visit our website,

Closing date for applications – 04 December 2024

Councillor job description
Application form and eligibility

bookmark_borderWODC – Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

West Oxfordshire District Council (the Council) is conducting a review of polling district and polling places within West Oxfordshire.
A polling district is a geographical area created by the sub-division of an electoral area. A polling place is the building or area in which polling stations are located.
Written comments and representations are invited from any electors and other interested persons and bodies, including elected representatives and those with expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for disabled people.
Although the review is of polling districts and polling places it is accepted that polling stations are linked to the review and representations and comments are invited regarding those polling stations currently used.
Persons or bodies making representations should if possible, give alternative buildings/venues that may be used as polling places.
In conducting the review, the Council will request submissions from the (Acting) Returning Officer for the parliamentary constituency of Witney and the part of the Banbury; Bicester and Woodstock Constituencies within the West Oxfordshire District Council authority area. These submissions will be published on the Council’s website.

Comments and representations may be submitted as follows:
By post:
Electoral Services, West Oxfordshire District Council, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxon OX28 1NB
By email:
The deadline for submissions is Monday 4 November 2024
Documents relating to the review can be inspected on the council’s website at
districts-and-places/ as the review progresses or at the Council Offices.

Timetable for the review:

  • Notice of review and start of the public consultation: Tuesday 24 September 2024
  • Public consultation period closes: Monday 4 November 2024
  • Final proposals will be considered at the Council meeting: Wednesday 27 November 2024

    Giles Hughes
    Chief Executive / Returning Officer
    Dated: 24 September 2024

bookmark_borderOCC – proposed tree planting in the parish

Oxfordshire County Council’s Tree Service is planning to plant trees in the local area.
Their reasons for planting trees include:
– To improve air quality;
– To improve urban cooling;
– To enhance biodiversity;
– To improve health & wellbeing;
– To enhance the visual amenity of the area;
– To contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

To keep you informed, they are sharing their proposed plan, which can be viewed here:

To see the plan, you will need to login with these details:
Username: Tree Planting
Password: oxontrees

They welcome any feedback you may have regarding the tree planting proposals.
Feedback can be shared by emailing

bookmark_borderOCC Consultation – proposed 20 mph speed limits for Chadlington

Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel. Further details on how the council is considering making 20mph the new 30mph for Oxfordshire communities can be found here.

OCC are therefore asking for your views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout Chadlington, replacing the existing 30mph speed limit in its entirety in the process. The proposals are being put forward following concerns raised by the parish over road safety, and form part of a countywide programme of works that seeks to deliver ‘a safer place with a safer pace’ for the residents of Oxfordshire. In light of this please find the following consultation documents attached:

  • Public Notice,
  • Statement of Reasons,
  • Consultation Plan(s), and
  • Draft Traffic Regulation Order(s).

The proposed Traffic Regulation Order is scheduled to be advertised in the Oxford Times newspaper today; Thursday 04th July 2024, and details are also available to view on the Council’s consultation portal at the address below:

As stated on the notice, any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by Friday 26th July 2024.

Public Notice – Chadlington 20 mph speed limit

Statement of Reasons – Chadlington 20 mph speed limit

Consultation plan – Chadlington 20 mph speed limit

Draft order – Chadlington 20 mph speed limit

bookmark_borderTemporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Chadlington, Catsham Lane and Horseshoe Lane

In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road and impose a ‘No Waiting’ restriction as detailed above to facilitate surface dressing works.

A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 15 May 2024. 

The anticipated completion date is 18 May 2024, 05:00 to 18:00 each day.

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor. 

bookmark_borderTemporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Chadlington, Cross’s Lane

In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road and impose a ‘No Waiting’ restriction as detailed above to facilitate surface dressing works.

A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 13 May 2024. 

The anticipated completion date is 16 May 2024, 05:00 to 18:00 each day.

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor. 

A copy of the drawing showing the extent of the closure and restrict

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