bookmark_borderOCC budget consultation

OCC want your help to shape their budget.

The County Council is facing a significant funding shortfall of at least £44 million in 2023/24 and they would like as many people as possible to have their say on their budget proposals.

The online survey and supporting consultation booklet at is easy to access, is better for the environment and enables the Council to receive responses quickly. Paper copies and alternative formats are available to anyone who need them – email or phone 01865 792422.

The consultation will end on 19 December 2022.

bookmark_borderConstituency boundary changes

Constituency boundaries are changing, and it’s your final chance to help shape the new map.

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency.

Constituency sizes currently vary widely due to population changes since the last boundary review. The new map proposed by the Commission will make sure each constituency has between 69,724 and 77,062 electors, so that each MP represents roughly the same number of electors. The 2023 Boundary Review also requires that the number of constituencies in England increases from 533 to 543.

The Commission has listened to the feedback sent in from the public, and has changed nearly half of the initial proposals published last year. The new revised proposals are now available to view via an interactive map on the consultation website

A final public consultation is open now until 05 December and is the last chance to provide your views on new constituency boundaries. The Boundary Commission for England has invited the public to visit and comment on the proposals via the website, email or letter. Hard copies of the proposals are available to view at public places of deposit listed on the Boundary Commission for England website. You can give your feedback on anything from where the proposed electoral boundaries are, to the suggestions for new constituency names.

To tell the Commission whether the new proposals for constituencies best represent your local community, visit and have your say before 05 December.

bookmark_borderOCC – Cost of living help

OCC have information about practical local and national support to help residents care for their families this winter on their website,, and at local advice centres and libraries.

OCC helps with:
– energy efficiency grants for your home
– free school meals
– childcare and holiday scheme

The County Council has introduced initiatives to help local people as they face the combination of inflation and the rising cost of energy,

WODC helps with:
– free and low cost food services
– local housing, food and living cost support

Your energy and broadband providers have different tariffs available to reduce costs.

Check out the county’s network of spaces to meet, work and play this winter.

Live Well Oxfordshire suggests activities and support to keep you warm and well. lets you check if you’re entitled to the £000’s unclaimed in benefits each month in Oxfordshire.

bookmark_borderSchool admissions for Reception applications – for September 2023 starters

Information from Oxfordshire County Council

If your child was born on or before 01 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, you need to apply for a primary school place now.

You must still apply even if your child already attends a nursery attached to the school.

The deadline for applications is 15 January 2023.

You can apply online at

You can get free access to the internet at many of Oxfordshire’s libraries and children’s centres.

For help and information:



tel: 0345 241 2487

bookmark_borderCouncillor vacancy

Are you interested in influencing what happens in the Parish?

Do you want to be a voice for the community?

Chadlington Parish Council is looking for a Councillor to fill a current vacancy.

We are a small Council of six Councillors and a part-time Clerk, looking after Chadlington Parish.

The term of office will run until the next ordinary election in May 2024.

The position is open to people over 18, who live in the Parish or within three miles of the Parish boundary, or work or own land in the Parish. (See the Co-option Eligibility Form for more details)

To find out more, contact a Councillor or the Clerk for an informal chat.

01608 676768

Application Form
Eligibility Form
Councillor job description
“What does a councillor do?”

Closing date for applications – 23 December 2022

All applications will be reviewed at the Council at the January meeting, Monday 09 January 2022, and in the case that more than one application is received, a vote will be held to select the new councillor.

bookmark_borderChadlington: A361 & Chipping Norton Road – proposed parking restrictions

OCC are asking for your views on the proposals to introduce sections of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking prohibitions in response to development of adjacent land. Specifically, the proposals which will to be signed as a ‘Restricted Parking zone’ will include restrictions on:

  • A361 (on both sides) from a point 10 metres northeast of the junction with the access to Downs Hollow, south-westwards for a distance of 230 metres, and
  • Chipping Norton Road (on both sides) from its junction with the A361 Chipping Norton-Burford Road, south-eastwards for approximately 1370 metres.

Please read the detailed information provided on this consultation and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by Friday 11 November 2022.

Whilst we will endeavor to answer simple queries during the course of the consultation, any more complex questions/issues will be appraised and dealt with as part of consultation process.

What happens next?

The County Council will review the responses and if necessary (i.e. if objections are received) prepare a report to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Highway Management at a meeting scheduled for later in 2022/early in 2023. This will be public meeting at which members of the public may apply to speak.

Documents giving more details of the proposals are available for public inspection online by visiting: Copies may also be made available on request.

Public notice
Draft order
Statement of reasons

bookmark_borderMore residents are made eligible to claim £150 council tax rebate

West Oxfordshire District Council has expanded the eligibility criteria for the £150 council tax rebate so more people across the district who didn’t get the original £150 payment can now apply.
Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, said; “We have expanded the criteria of the funding to make it available to more people who may need support. 

“For those eligible they can apply and receive a £150 payment to help with energy costs.“We have designed the scheme to assist those who need help most, including people on benefits, people living in shared accommodation and people on a low income. 

“Residents should visit our website to see if they are eligible and apply to receive it. Our phone lines are open for those who can’t use the internet.

“I would urge people to let friends and family know so we can get this support out to the people who need it.”Those who are eligible for the funding include:

– People living in properties banded E-H who are on low incomes or don’t pay council tax due to caring or health reasons
– People on low income who pay energy bills but not council tax
– People living in houses of multiple occupancy and on low income
– People living in emergency or supported accommodation
– Households where there has been a recent change in council tax band that now puts them in an eligible band
– Households on low income that aren’t eligible for council tax support

The full list of eligibility criteria is available on the Council’s website along with a form to apply for the support. Those unable to use the website can telephone the Council for advice and support, however, the Council is encouraging people to apply online where possible to free up phone lines for those who need them most.

Council Tax £150 Rebate – discretionary scheme – West Oxfordshire District Council (

bookmark_borderOxfordshire Conversations – OCC

Join the conversation.

What are the big issues that matter to you and your community?

Oxfordshire County Council are holding Oxfordshire Conversations events, in
locations across the county and online, bringing together residents and the
councillors who lead our county council.
This is your chance to ask our decision makers your burning questions and share
your priorities to help us shape our budget during these tough times.
Find your local event, book your space and start the conversation

Oxfordshire Conversation events are being held across the county in September to connect with residents to give them the chance to ask our decision makers their burning questions and share their priorities to help us shape our budget during these tough times.

They are running a mix of online and venue events.

  • Monday 12 September, 11am – 12.30pm, online (Microsoft Teams)
  • Monday 12 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Abingdon, Guildhall
  • Wednesday 14 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Witney, High Street Methodist Church
  • Thursday 15 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Oxford, Old Fire Station
  • Monday 19 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Banbury, The Mill Arts Centre
  • Wednesday 21 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, online (Microsoft Teams)
  • Thursday 22 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Didcot, Cornerstone Arts Centre
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