bookmark_borderTemporary Road Closure – Thames Street, Charlbury – 4th to 8th December

REASON: To facilitate emergency low voltage electrical fault repairs

DURATION: Starting on 4 December 2023
The anticipated completion date is 8 December 2023 (date included) , 24 hours per day

(EMERGENCY Traffic Regulation Notices cover a maximum of 21 consecutive days.)

ACCESS: Limited access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for frontages within the closed section of road, subject to the progress of the works

SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: via signed diversion route

bookmark_borderWest Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041

The West Oxfordshire District Council’s ‘Ideas and Objectives’ consultation is now live

West Oxfordshire District Council has today launched an 8-week public consultation to help shape the development of the new West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041.

The consultation runs from 30 August – 25 October 2023 and is focused on 3 particular elements:
Draft local plan objectives – a series of draft objectives which are intended to guide the future evolution of the plan in terms of its overall approach and anticipated policy content;
The future pattern of development in West Oxfordshire – different scenarios for how and where we might look to focus future growth in the period up to 2041;
Call for sites, ideas and opportunities – an open invitation for stakeholders to put forward their thoughts on how land in the District might be used in the future such as new housing, employment, infrastructure, community use, green space, nature recovery and renewable energy.

The feedback received will then be used to inform a series of preferred policy approaches which will be the subject of further consultation in due course.

Hard copies of the consultation material will shortly be made available at Council Offices and all district libraries.To complement the digital consultation, we will also be running a number of ‘in-person’ consultation events, further details of which will be made available as soon as possible.

If you have any questions relating to the consultation, please contact the Planning Policy team on
Click here to take part

bookmark_borderParish Council Meeting – Monday 14th August 2023

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Monday 14th August, 7.30 pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall.

Residents and the public are welcome to attend, and will have the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, and bring matters to the Council’s attention.

The agenda can be found on the website, Parish Council Meetings – Chadlington Parish Council ( , and on the noticeboard at The Stocks.

bookmark_borderParish Council Meeting – Monday 10th July

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Monday 10th July, 7.30 pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall.

Residents and the public are welcome to attend, and will have the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, and bring matters to the Council’s attention.

The agenda can be found on the website, Parish Council Meetings – Chadlington Parish Council ( , and on the noticeboard at The Stocks.

bookmark_borderAnnual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Saturday 22nd April 2023 at 2.30 pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall.


2.30 pm – Table exhibits and refreshments

3.30 pm

  • Welcome from the Chairman of the Parish Council
  • To note and sign the minutes of the last Parish Meeting
  • To receive the report and annual review of the Council’s activities from the Chairman of the Parish Council
  • To receive reports from representatives of other organisations
  • To receive comments and questions from the public

4.30 pm – Table exhibits and refreshments

bookmark_borderParish Council Meeting – 17th April

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Monday 17th April, 7.30 pm at Chadlington Memorial Hall.

Residents and the public are welcome to attend, and will have the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda, and bring matters to the Council’s attention.

The agenda can be found on the website, Parish Council Meetings – Chadlington Parish Council ( , and on the noticeboard at The Stocks.

bookmark_borderHousehold waste recycling centres set for refresh in March and Apri

People planning to use Oxfordshire’s household waste recycling centres next month are being warned about a series of short closures to enable essential work to be carried out.

For safety reasons, Oxfordshire County Council will be shutting each of its centres for two days – although never at the same time – to allow for deep cleaning and essential maintenance to take place. This includes jet washing the sites and structures, repainting lines and safety areas, as well as other general work to improve the customer experience.

The closing dates are:

  • Alkerton, near Banbury: Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 March
  • Ardley, near Bicester: Thursday 23 and Friday 24 March
  • Dix Pit, Stanton Harcourt: Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 April 
  • Drayton, near Abingdon: Thursday 30 and Friday 31 March
  • Oakley Wood, near Wallingford: Thursday 20 and Friday 21 April
  • Redbridge, Oxford: Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 April
  • Stanford, near Farringdon: Monday 27and Tuesday 28 March.

All closures are on quieter weekdays to minimise disruption and sites will reopen at 8am the following day. Residents are asked to plan ahead, ideally holding on to their waste until the site reopens or, if that is not possible, visiting one of the neighbouring sites.

More information can be found on Oxfordshire County Council’s website, including details of your nearest alternative site during the closures.

Residents with van or trailer permits can use these at any of the HWRCs.

bookmark_borderRoad closure – Horseshoe Lane – 13th to 17th March



Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, that the Oxfordshire County Council


LOCATION: Chadlington, Horseshoe Lane

REASON: To facilitate patching and filling of void in the road due to badger sett collapsing

DURATION: Starting on 13 March 2023. The anticipated completion dates is 17 March 2023.
This will operate between 07:30 and 16:30

ACCESS: Limited access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for frontages within the closed section of road, subject to the progress of the works

SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE ROAD: via Horseshoe Lane, Catsham Lane, B4437, Londan Lane, A361, Chipping Norton Road, Horshoe Lane and vice versa

Map of closed section and suggested diversion

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