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Agenda Chadlington Parish Council Meeting Monday 9 September 2019



Notice is hereby given that the next Meeting of Chadlington Parish Council will be held at the Memorial Hall, Chadlington on Monday 09 September 2019 at 7.30pm.


Members of the public & press are welcome to attend. Members of the public may make representations to the Council under Item 13, in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders. [Contact a Councillor or the Clerk at least 2 weeks before the next Council meeting if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda]


  1. Apologies: to receive apologies
  2. Declaration of Interests
    1. Register of Interests – Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
    2. To declare any pecuniary & other interests in items on the agenda & their nature.
  3. Minutes: to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 08 July 2019.
  4. Matters arising from the Minutes
    1. Brook End update
    2. Durand Hotham update
  5. District and County Councillors Reports
  6. Playground: update – Cllr Hilary Moore
  7. Allotments: update – Cllr Hilary Moore
  8. Gigaclear: update – Cllr Nicky Lloyd
  9. Methodist Church: update – Cllr Zoe Townsend
  10. Memorial Hall: update – Cllr Zoe Townsend
  11. Benches & Seats: update- Cllr Nicky Lloyd
  12. Rights of Way & Footpaths: update – Adrian Tremlett
    1. Public road down to Green End
    2. Footpath from bottom of Bull Hill to Boot Cottage
    3. Footpath across the last field to Green End
  13. Public participation – Opportunity for the public to ask questions.
  14. Planning

         Applications received:

19/02110/FUL Land North West of Chipping Norton Road.  Erection of a lambing shed and farm shop, including car parking and associated landscaping.  Potential for occasional film making. CPC approved of this application in principal but has concerns with the ownership of the current gate to Diddly Squat Farm and the proposed access point off Chipping Norton Road is very close to the Caravan site and two bus stops which could cause traffic hazard.  A new access may have to be considered.

19/02192/HHD  8 Orchard Cottages, Chipping Norton Road.  CPC has concerns about the yellow bricks and rendering plus the very large extension proposed which is not in proportion with neighbouring houses.

19/01085/FUL  Curdle Hill Farmhouse, Chipping Norton Road.  Extensions and alterations to existing barn buildings.  CPC has no objection to this application but has concerns about errors on application form Section 12 which were answered incorrectly with regard to (i) Protected and priority species and (ii) Designated sites – important habitats.  Also Bat Survey gives inadequate specifics on how bats and barn owls should be protected.

19/02166/FUL  Gable End House, Horseshoe Lane.  Change of use from agricultural to domestic.  CPC had no objection to this application.

19/02378/CND Brookside Brook End

Discharge of conditions 7 (Ecology) & 8(Nesting Birds) of Planning Permission

Applications approved:

19 /01801/FUL Brookside, Brook End.  Conversion of barn to dwelling.

19/01599/HHD Spring House, Bull Hill. Alterations to existing access by widening dropped kerbs.

19/01750/S73 The Gables, West End. Non compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 16/04004/FUL to allow layout change. Condition no 2 – List of Approved Plans and Drawings. Conditions Removal: Please see JPPC’s Planning Design and Access Statement for details. Amend the list of approved plans and drawings. Town & Country  Act. CPC had no objection

Applications pending:

19/00996/FUL  Mount Pleasant, Bull Hill. Demolition of existing dwelling and integral garage and proposed erection of part 2 storey and part single storey dwelling, detached 3 bay garage and garden store and alterations to existing landscaping including modifications to existing drive and access. CPC objected to this application.

19/01985/HHD  Laburnum Cottage, Green End.  Erection of garage/workshop. CPC objected.

19/02069/HHD  2 Brook End.  Alterations and extension of two storey rear extension including a Juliet balcony to first floor. CPC objected.

19/01670/FUL  Barley Hill Farm.  Re-roof existing barn and erection of agricultural workshop.  CPC had no objection.

  1. Finance

         Income: Current Account £7,767.00  Memorial Hall Account £598.50

Expenditure for approval:

Standing Order (monthly) Clerk’s Salary for Sep & Oct                     £250.82

C No 100213         Ron Arthur grant                                                      £100.00                                  C No 100214          North Oxfordshire Topsoil (playground)              £300.00

C No 100215         Brian Hamblin (paint for playground)                  £  41.99

C No 100216         Frances Maclean (Internal Audit 2017-18)         £150.00

C No 100217         Badger Benches  (2 picnic tables donated)        £297.48

C No 100218         Playsafety (RoSPA) Inspection Playground       £124.20

C No 100219         Brian Hamblin (repairs playground)                     £  35.96

Approval of monthly bank reconciliation Jul & Aug 2019

Current Account Opening balance 01 Apr 2019 £31.500.80; income to 31 Jul 2019 £7,517.00; expenditure to 31 Jul 2019 £2,827.39 Closing Balance £39,200.42

Memorial Hall Project Account.  Opening balance 08 April 2019; £2,211.51; income to

30 Jun  2019 £598.50, expenditure £NIL, Closing balance £2810.01 .

Monthly bank statement verification.

  1. Bank Mandates
  2. Correspondence
    1. OALC Newsletter and Training Courses
    2. Deddington Depot Open Day 5th October 2019
    3. West Oxfordshire Town & Parish Forum Thursday 10 October 2019 6.30 for 7pm at Marlborough Enterprise Centre, Marlborough School, Woodstock, OX20 1LP
    4. Electric Blanket testing
  3. Other issues
  4. Information Exchange



         Date of next meeting: 7.30pm on Monday 11 November 2019

There will be a Budget Meeting at 6pm on Monday 14 October 2019                                                                                                   



………………………………..Gill Hill, Clerk to Chadlington Parish Council 2 Sept 2019



All agendas, papers & draft minutes of Chadlington Parish Council meetings can be found at You can also sign up for email updates on this village website.


If you have any events or information you wish to go on the Chadlington village website, please use the ‘Contact us’ form on the website.